…As for the crossbow : He is a messenger, so whoever sees that he has thrown an arrow but does not hit the object, then he sends a messenger in need, he does not make it up . If the purpose is right, he will spend it . If the accent is together, then it is a book in which there is truth . If the corpus runs out, that is accepted . If it was made of incomplete reeds, then that statement is false . If he carried out what he wanted hit the mark, he carried out his order . If the penis is an arrow, then it is not a man . If hit, do what he says . If he sees that a woman threw him and hit his heart, she is joking with him and his heart becomes stuck with her . If it is a gold ring, then it is a message to a woman or because of a woman . If arrows are reluctant, then they are messengers with them with kindness and kindness in their words . If he throws it upside down to the side of the string, then it is an upside-down message . If it is without feathers, then the Messenger is a mockery . The crossbow says the truth and respond to those who do not obey God . If it was hit, before saying it . And if he made a mistake, he did not accept his words ….

…Type I : Revelation abhorred They have the devil to do , and reciting self , which is called Bodgat dreams, which is due to the cunning of Satan and his deception and his hostility to humans . (1) An example of this kind is narrated in Saheeh Muslim from the hadeeth of Jabir may Allah be pleased with him from the Messenger God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said that he told a Bedouin who came to him and said : I dreamed that my head was cut off, so we are following him, so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, rebuked him and said : “ Do not tell that Satan is playing with you in a dream .” (2) In other Raaah Jaber said : I heard the Prophet peace be upon him Tkd giving a speech , he said : to Aihdtn one of you Btalb the devil in his sleep . ~ Sheikh Mohammed Bin Saleh Al – Uthaymeen said God ‘s mercy : The pipe dreams , it confused disorganized , and often that Tartuffe hated Satan Almighty said : ~ to pack those who Ouamno not Bdharhm nothing but God willing ~ ( argument : 10). (3) and this kind of visions he Adab six : first : to seek refuge with Allah from its evil , and this accusation is clear , Valastaazh legitimate all it is hated . second : to seek refuge with Allah from Satan . to talk : ~ if you saw a vision of hate Fletholh and spit on his left three times and ask God of goodness and seek refuge with Allah from the evil ~ narrated by Ibn Majah from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah marfoo and Narrated by Muslim , too . ~ (4) According to the novel in a Muslim from Jabir also : ~ Olistaz Allah from Satan ‘s three ~ came in a novel Muslim also : ~ Afilipsq left three times ~ that I will outline in : Third : to spit while paying attention from his sleep left three times . Any spit his left three times Besqa light ~ and the secret of this God knows ~ abomination to what he saw and contempt for the demon that I see that vision on the right is real , ~ singled out the left because it is the dirt , and triangulation in the previous novel Muslim confirmation ~ has responded with three words : Altfet be without saliva ~ and bagasse be with him saliva gentle . spitting and be with him saliva and most of bagasse . fourth : to change the side on which he was when he saw it , to his side with the second? the reason for this : optimistic about converting it and move perhaps there is another reason which edgewise place the devil , and so that vision turns from abomination to the beloved and moving from harmful to the good . fifth : not to mention it to one already , it has stated that a number of conversations correct them what Bukhari God ‘s mercy via Abu Sa’eed al – Radhi Ath with him and he said , ~ and reminds her of a it does not harm him ~(5). as provided us story of the man who spoke on the vision of hitting his neck , the Obi , but its expression is not Iqsa only on those who trust him , or mentor him ~ or on the world in order to Aabroha him fine whatever they can and Arushdouna what is appointed by them and what benefits him . The question is presented here , what the secret of it is forbidden? Fa say the secret God knows – for now updated by , perhaps explained by the apparent harmed its image . And be a potential ~ falls estimation of God Almighty ~ and indicates that the hadeeth of Abu Razin may Allah be pleased with him brought : ~ The vision of a man of a bird that had not crossed ~ If crossed signed ~, and talk good . (6) meaning : that vision if possible two – sided ~ crossing of one of them occurred on near that capacity , and shows that such a man lifting leg he is waiting for Matthew puts it . Sheikh ( Mohammed bin Nasser al – Albani ) Commenting on the interview : ~ The vision of a man on a bird that did not cross if crossed occurred ~ . Frank talk that vision is like a cross , and so Taught us the Messenger of Allah that is not the lack thereof , but a mentor or a scholar or lover , because supposed them to choose the best meanings in the interpretation Vtqa on accordingly , but no doubt that it is restricted to whether the expression which tolerate vision , even on the face , and not an error purely , otherwise it is not the effect of him then , and I know God ~, has pointed out that the meaning of Imam Bukhari in the book expression of his Saheeh by saying : ( door did not see the vision for the first transient if it does not hurt ). evidenced by the words of the Prophet peace be upon him to Abu Bakr while through his vision : ~ a poured some and missed some , ~ The Prophet peace be upon him did not indicate what Abu Bakr sinned , even between this who sinned to the expression of the Prophet peace be upon him is the second and the first to be approved, but it turned out wrong this . so do not cut Raak generally only to trust it , and advise him and his knowledge and opinion, and Views by Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him from the Prophet peace be upon him that he would say : ~ do not Tqsoa vision only scientist or mentor ~ in the novel :~ not only on Iqsa Wade, tightening signifier of an actor name friendliness . Narrated by Tirmidhi said Sheikh Albani : S His call is authentic according to the conditions of the two sheikhs, and the meaning of the previous hadith ~The vision is upon a man who is flying ~ means that it does not settle unless it crosses , as if it was on a flying man . ~ So it fell and fell where it crossed, just as the thing that is on the foot of the bird falls with the slightest movement, and this is a representative analogy. The fast flying bird has an object that falls with the slightest movement on its leg . It shows the possibility of vision on the face of tolerate what was narrated recaps and also provides us story of the man who spoke on the vision of hitting his neck , the Obi , but its expression is not Iqsa only on those who trust him , or mentor to him , or the world in order to Aabroha him fine whatever they can and Arushdouna What helps him and what is useful to him . The question is presented here , what the secret of it is forbidden? Fa say the secret God knows – because the updated them , perhaps interpreted harmed on the visible image – and this is a potential , falls estimation of God , and shows that this hadeeth of Abu Razin may Allah be pleased with him brought : ~ The vision of a man bird is not crossed , If crossed Signed , ~the hadith is good . Meaning : that vision if possible two – sided , crossing of one of them occurred on near that capacity , and shows that what came from Abdul Razak said : vision lies on what crosses like Zllk like a man lifted his leg when he is waiting for places . (7) said Sheikh ( Mohammed bin Nasser al – Albani ) Commenting on the interview : ~ The vision of a man on a bird that did not cross if crossed occurred ~ . Frank talk that vision is like a cross , and that taught us the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him that is not the lack thereof , but the mentor or a scholar or lover , because supposed them to choose the best meanings in the interpretation Vtqa on accordingly ,, but which does not There is no doubt that this is restricted to whether the expression is something that the vision can endure even in a way , and is not a pure error , or it has no effect at that time and God knows best (8), and Imam Bukhari referred to this meaning in the book of expression from his Sahih by saying : ( Chapter of the one who did not see The vision of the first transient if not hurt ). Evidenced by the words of the Prophet peace be upon him to Abu Bakr while through his vision : ~ A poured some and missed some ,~ and the Prophet peace be upon him , did not indicate what Abu Bakr sinned , even between this who sinned to the expression of the Prophet peace be His peace is the second and the first to be approved, but this turned out to be wrong . (9) Therefore, do not cut Raak generally only to trust it , and advise him and his knowledge and opinion, and Views : Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him from the Prophet peace be upon him that he would say : ~ Do not Tqsoa vision only to the world or mentor ~ (10) , in the novel : ~ Iqsa only on Wade and ~ tighten the signifier actor friendliness name , Tirmidhi narrated Shaykh al – Albaani : attributed correctly on the two sheikhs condition (11) , and the meaning of the former modern ~ vision of a man bird ~ it does not settle down unless express , It is as if it was on a flying leg, and it fell and fell where it crossed, as the thing that is on the man of the bird falls with the slightest movement. This is an analogy analogy, where the vision was likened to a fast-flying bird, and something was hung on its leg that fell with the slightest movement . It shows the possibility of vision on the face of tolerate what was narrated recaps in his Sunan in the book of Revelation bond Hassan Suleiman bin left Aisha , wife of the Prophet peace be upon him , said : A woman from the people of the city has a husband dealer, Tri was the vision of the more absent her husband, and rarely miss only left pregnant, comes the Messenger of All peace be upon him , says : My husband is a merchant came out Fterkny pregnant, and I saw as seen sleeping to force my house was broken and I was born a boy eyed , said the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : ~ good , because your husband On you, God Almighty wills, a righteous one, and give birth to a boy with righteousness . You see were two or Tuesdays all that comes the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , says that her , goes back her husband and give birth to a boy . . Came a day as it was Tonah , and the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him absent , it has seen that vision , I said to her : uncle you will be questioned the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , O nation of God? And she said : a vision I saw it came to the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ask him about , he says : ~ good , shall be said, and I said : Tell me what? She said : Even the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him come and him, Voardha him as you introduce . Said Aisha : I swear that I left even told me, I said : God , that charity your vision to Imutn your husband , and bring forth a boy Vajra !! I stayed crying and said : Mali yen offered you my vision ?? entered the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, crying said to her : ( doomed O Aisha ? ) So I told him the news and what was interpreted to her, the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him : “ What, O Aisha, if you cross over to the Muslim a vision, then pass it on for good, then the vision will follow what its owner crosses . ” Aisha said : So by God, her husband died, and I do not see her but she gave birth to a child who is a loner (12) . Conclusion that come out of this , that vision if possible two – sided , crossing of one of them occurred on near that capacity . so Jacob ‘s son Joseph forbade Iqss his vision to his brothers for fear of guile and envy him , stone son said : the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him That a vision occurs except for one who loves because he may interpret it to him in a way that he does not like, either with hatred or envy , it may fall from that quality , or hasten to Himself from that grieved and bothered , so he ordered to leave an update for those who do not like because of that . (13) VI : which asks when bad dream will also : prayer , and is indicated by the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him : ~ If he saw . SOLE what he hates , So let Vlaisal happen not by people .~ (14) and the wisdom of God and I know : that the prayer of every recourse is acting as slave fears that it is making about Almkarh . According to some scholars , it is a reading Seventh State of the chair but does not guide him, even if he read any of this chair in his prayers have achieved two things together, pray and read the state of the chair . And if he confines himself to doing some of what he mentioned, it will be sufficient to ward off its harm, God willing, as the hadiths stated . But it is better for him to do it all to combine the narrations . Ibn Qayyim said in Zaad : and when it did not harm him , but this vision Almkorhh drives evil . Al- Nawawi said : God made no mention of the reason for the safety impact of the Abomination vision also made charity and protection for money . . . And making supplication in it a response and payment of calamity and alms pay off the death of bad all this by the decree of God and ability . (15) _________________________________________________ (1 ) Mohamed Abdelaziz Halawi – a reference earlier – p . 5 . (2 ) Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh , as explained in the nuclear (27 \ 15 ) • op .. (3 ) say useful book on monotheism – Explanation of Sheikh : Mohammed bin Saleh Almosaman c 2 (4 ) Narrated prizes in the book of Revelation expression 0 door saw a vision of hate – op – Muslim in the book of Revelation (15 /17 ) – op •. (5 ) See the opening (12 /369 ) , the book of Revelation from the door of the expression of God – op . (6 ) Modern classed ruling and Sundh Hassan , was narrated by Abu Dawood in the book of literature , the door of what came in a vision – a previous reference – and Rawa Tirmidhi in the Book of Revelation the door of what came in the expression of vision – op – narrated by Ibn Majah in the book of the expression of Revelation chapter of Revelation If passed and signed not Iqsa only on the valley – op – 0 narrated by Imam Ahmad in the first datum civilians interview with Abu Razin Oqaili foundling Ben Amer Muntafiq – op ~ and narrated recaps in the book of Revelation chapter of Revelation does not fall unless they reflect 0 published Library scientific – Beirut . (7 ) see : Fath al – Bari Ibn Hajar – op – (12 /432 ). (8 ) series of conversations correct , c 1, p . 28, i 2 , the information Office 1399 of . (9 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression door did not see the vision for the first transient if it does not hurt , as in Fath al – Bari (12 /431 ), and Muslim in the book of Revelation , as in the nuclear explanation (15 /29 ), – Reference former -, and will come talk by stating in p 101 . (10 ) Narrated by Tirmidhi in the book of Revelation chapter in the interpretation of Revelation what is recommended and hates them – op – and directed recaps in the book of Revelation that the door of hatred vision reflects only the world Or mentor – op – narrated by Ibn Majah in the book of Revelation expression crossed the door of vision if not signed Iqsa only on the valley – a previous reference . (11 ) correct chatter series – op (1 /26 ) .. (12 ) , the narrators of the drama in his Sunan – op – (2 /131 ). (13 ) expansion See : awn Reni – op – (1 /176 ). And Ibn Hajar – previous reference (631/12). (14 ) Narrated by Imam Muslim in the book of Revelation (15 /21 ) – Weighted ex – Abu Dawood in the book of literature at the door of what came in a vision – op -, and prizes in the book of Revelation expression of the door of Revelation three – a reference earlier . And Ahmad included it in his Musnad in the rest of the Musnad of the many – a previous reference – and the Darami in the Book of the Revelation Chapter of the Vision Three – a previous reference – and al – Tirmidhi in the Book of the Revelation chapter of what came in the vision of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, the scale and the bucket – previous reference -. (15 ) expansion See : Explanation of triplets of Imam Ahmed Saffarini (1 /177 ) – op – and explain Muslim – Nawawi (15 /18 ) – op – and Zad al-Ma’ad Ibn Jawziyyah , achieving Shoaib Abdul Kader Aloriaaat , spread the message organization , Al – Manar Library Islamic , i 13, the date of 1406 of (2 /459 ). ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi ….

…The vision of the king of Egypt , God has been mentioned – the Almighty – mentioned interpretation of which is the first by Joseph – peace be upon him – he said – the Almighty -: ( And the king said , I see seven fat cows he would eat seven lean Snblatt and seven vegetables and other Iabsat O public Please advise me in my vision, if ye vision You pass , they said pipe dreams, and we are not interpreting dreams in two worlds , and he said that he who escaped from them and remember after his mother, I tell you by his interpretation , so they will send , Joseph , O friend, we have seven fat cows eat them seven lean cows and seven spikes of green and the other dry so that I may return to the people so that they may know , he said that you will plant seven years You have always reaped, and sprinkle it in the grain of it, except for a little of what you eat , then after that there will come seven men who will eat what you have given them except for a little of what you have fortified , then after that there comes a year in which the people will help and in which they squeeze ). Surah Yusuf verses 43-49. And he – the Almighty – said : ( They said pipe dreams ) Ibn Jarir said : They mean that it is a mixture of a false vision that has no truth , and it is a collection of stress , and stress has its origin in a bundle of hashish that resembles mixed dreams that have no interpretation . Al-Mawardi and Al-Qurtubi mentioned on the authority of Abu Ubaidah that he said : Al- Adghat is an unexplained vision of the vision , and Ibn Jarir also narrated on the authority of Qatada in the saying: (Our fatwa is in seven fat cows that are eaten by seven lean ones ). He said : As for quail, years of it are fertile , and the seven lean ones are sterile years that do not grow anything , and he said : ( Seven spikes are green and the other is dry .) As for the green, they are the fertile years , as for the dry land , the dry ones are the transformed ones , and the lean ones are the Almazel . And saying : ( he sow seven years harder ) , the verse said : When I know the vision to make explained to him , he said : seven of the cows , quail and Alsnblatt greens seven years , fertilizer , and the cows lean and Alsnblatt higher lands Vsba years Magdbat it is saying 🙁 cultivate seven years harder ). Any consecutive sequence . Al-Qurtubi said : This verse is based on the validity of the vision of the infidel, and that it comes out according to what he saw . And he said : “ Then there will come a year after that, in which people will help and they will squeeze .” Ibn Jarir said : This is a report from Yusef – peace be upon him – to the people about what was not in the vision of their king, but from the knowledge of the unseen that God came to be an indication of his prophethood and a proof of his truthfulness , then he narrated on the authority of Qatada that he said that God provided him with knowledge of a Sunnah that they did not ask him about, so he said : ( Then After that there will come a year in which people find relief and squeeze .) Means saying 🙁 it Agat people ) rain and Ghaith , also narrated from Ibn ‘ Greg said : Ibn Abbas – God bless them – 🙁 and then come after that year ) , he told them something did not ask him about God had taught him a year in which Agat people By rain . And Al-Qurtubi mentioned on the authority of Qatada that he said : God has given him a Sunnah knowledge that they did not ask him about in order to show his virtue , and to inform his place of knowledge and his knowledge ….

…Whoever sees in a dream one unknown person from among the children of Adam, then perhaps the vision of that person is himself . If he sees that person doing good, he may be the one doing it, and if he sees him doing evil, he is the one who committed it . And perhaps one is the only one that ends up in his livelihood or his delay . And if he saw two, if he was afraid, he felt safe . If he saw three, that is evidence of piety for committing incest . And whoever sees a man who knows him, he takes something from him or from his likeness, and whoever sees as if he took something from him he loves, he will receive what he hopes for . And if he was from the people of the state and he saw as if he took a new shirt from him, then he would wear it, and if he took a rope from him then it is a covenant . If he sees it as if he took money from him, then he despairs of it and there will be enmity and hatred between them . And whoever sees a well-known person, that person will move to a high rank, and if he is of a high rank, his value is degraded, or a pest inflicted on him, then that indicates the descent of good or evil in him as he saw, and that is for example with an example, or the deficiency is an increase in his number or an increase In the seer there is a decrease in his number, and if this is not due to whoever is of his gender or likeness or who is from his country ….

…Perhaps the ship indicated the mosque, the market, or the loyalty of the people of the household, may God be pleased with them, because they are the ships of deliverance . The ship denotes the tavern as it indicates the person himself or the safety of the enemies and the wealth of the poor . If the ship sank in the sea, it was evidence that he was one of the people of fire. If his ship became iron or copper, it indicates the longevity of whom it was pointed, and if some of it became iron or some of it, then the suspicion was included in whom the ship indicated . If he saw that he ate the ship or swallowed it, he would eat its price . If he saw that the ship told him justified, he indicates that he will receive wisdom from those who are ignorant . Seeing Noah’s Ark, peace be upon him, indicates the joys, delights, and rain of rain, not that they are unjust, it indicates drought and misfortune . The Ark of Noah, peace be upon him, indicates relief from adversity, safety from drowning for travelers at sea or marriage for singles, honorable position, and victory over enemies . Perhaps the ship indicated the mosque, the market, or the loyalty of the people of the household, may God be pleased with them, because they are the ships of deliverance . The ship denotes the tavern as it indicates the person himself or the safety of the enemies and the wealth of the poor . If the ship sank in the sea, it was evidence that he was one of the people of fire. If his ship became iron or copper, it indicates the longevity of whom it was pointed, and if some of it became iron or some of it, then the suspicion was included in whom the ship indicated . If he saw that he ate the ship or swallowed it, he would eat its price . If he saw that the ship told him justified, he indicates that he will receive wisdom from those who are ignorant . Seeing Noah’s Ark, peace be upon him, indicates the joys, delights, and rain of rain, not that they are unjust, it indicates drought and affliction . The Ark of Noah, peace be upon him, indicates relief from adversity, safety from drowning for travelers at sea or marriage for singles, honorable position, and victory over enemies ….

…Dressing the robe : for whoever wears it, buys it, or sews it and its belly, and if he is poor, he becomes indispensable because it pushes the cold indicative of poverty, and if the Sultan met him, he would receive it, and he was good and had a lining and inside it was the money of a continent, which is the cotton inside it, such as treasure and money in the house of money. . And if he was a single he married, and her face was the same, and her lining was his wife, and cotton was her dowry, and strings were covenants and impeccable, and if he sewed her and did not wear her son’s or daughter’s husband, or a marriage contract to others, or a group of spouses separated, especially if it was old and folded . And all of that was in the winter days in Aban to wear it . As for wearing it in the summer, it is an aunt from a wife, religion, illness, imprisonment, distress, or distress for the sake of the woman . If he was from the people of war, he would wear his nation and receive his enemy in the price of war ….

…A hen is in a dream a stupid, foolish woman with beauty . It was said : She is a secret or a servant . And whoever slaughters a chicken, he marries a virgin slave girl, and whoever hunts her will receive easy and permissible money, and whoever eats her flesh will receive money from captivity of non-Arabs . And whoever sees a chicken or a peacock wasting in his house, he is the owner of misfortune and immorality . And it was said : The chicken and its feathers are useful money . And whoever saw that he had slaughtered a black chicken, he would marry a virgin . The hen may be a woman who raises orphans and seeks them for alms, which is beneficial . Chickens are humiliated and humiliated women . The sleeping hen is of activity and originality, and the lowland hen is of low origin, and its chicks are children from fornication . The hen may refer to the same children, and its entry into the patient is health and wellness . As well as the broiler and the chicken ears, evil, distress or death . Perhaps her entry indicated a warning of illness, or the disappearance of worries and joys, and a pretense of prosperity and blessings . The Faraj is a child or a happy dress, or a vagina for those who are in distress . And whoever sees chickens in his house a lot, this indicates leadership, wealth and fear ….

…Severe . And if it is twenty-nine, it indicates goodness, relief and pleasure . And if he heard thunder in a dream, and the vision was on nine days of May, it indicated the death of the noble ones with the dove, and death occurred in the Turks, and likewise in the sheep, and there would be much rain, and the best of the orchards abounded . If it is in the middle ten, severe diseases occur . If thunder is heard in a dream, and the vision is in June, up to ten days from it, then it indicates the death of scholars and the most honorable in the land of Egypt, prices are cheap, money grows, and land and sea fishing increases . And if thunder is heard and the vision is in July to six days of it, then the rain will occur in the month of December, and the planting will advance and grow, and the great people of the Romans will die, and the price falls in Yemen, and war falls in the land of the Persians and there is evil in the land of Egypt on the side of the king, and they fall into captivity in Children, and a king comes from the East to carry them as prisoners to his land . And if the thunder is at the end or seven remains of it, then it indicates safety in all the land, and the price is cheap in the land of Basra and the land of Abyssinia, and the land is blackened to the blackness of the Euphrates, and some fruits such as palm and bananas get scourges, and wheat abounds . And if at the end of the year people are afraid of killing their king . If thunder is heard in a dream, and the vision is in the month of August, then it is a good sign for the people of Levant and the people of Gorgan and Azerbaijan. The locusts are reduced and the king of the Khazars and the king of Gog and Magog will die, and the fighting falls between them . And if at the end of it there is thunder, then it will be fertile in the land of Egypt and its overflowing, and the prices are cheap in it after barrenness, high prices and death . If thunder is heard in a dream and the vision is in the month of September in the second days of it, then the rain will be a lot, and droughts occur at the beginning of the year, and fertile at the end, and the locusts will be in the land of Kufa and the Tabahs of Basra, and people fall into great hunger, and Muslims open fortresses, and between the Romans and the Turks Fight for a long time, fertilize the sham and receive its fruits and grains . And if it was on the tenth, it indicated the lack of rain in that year in the Maghreb, and God Almighty knows best and His absence is wiser .. And if it is twenty-nine it indicates goodness, relief and pleasure . And if he heard thunder in a dream, and the vision was in nine days of May, it indicated the death of the noble ones with the dove, and death occurred in the Turks, and likewise in the sheep, and there would be much rain, and the good of the orchards abounded . If it is in the middle ten, severe diseases occur . If thunder is heard in a dream, and the vision is in June, up to ten days from it, then it indicates the death of scholars and the most honorable in the land of Egypt, prices are cheap, money grows, and land and sea fishing increases . And if thunder is heard and the vision is in July to six days of it, then the rain will occur in the month of December, and the planting will advance and grow, and the great people of the Romans will die, and the price falls in Yemen, and war falls in the land of the Persians and there is evil in the land of Egypt on the side of the king, and they fall into captivity in Children, and a king comes from the East to carry them to his land as prisoners . And if the thunder is at the end or seven remains of it, then it indicates safety in all the land, and the price is cheap in the land of Basra and the land of Abyssinia, and the land is blackened to the blackness of the Euphrates, and some fruits such as palm and bananas get scourges, and wheat abounds . And if at the end of the year people are afraid of killing their king . If thunder is heard in a dream, and the vision is in the month of August, then it is a good sign for the people of Levant and the people of Gorgan and Azerbaijan. The locusts are reduced and the king of the Khazars and the king of Gog and Magog will die, and the fighting falls between them . And if at the end of it there is thunder, then it will be fertile in the land of Egypt and its Nile floods and prices are cheap in it after barrenness, high prices and death . If thunder is heard in a dream and the vision is in the month of September in the second days of it, then the rain will be a lot, and there will be droughts at the beginning of the year, and fertile at the end, and the locusts will be in the land of Kufa and the Tabahs of Basra, and people fall into great hunger, and Muslims open fortresses, and between the Romans and the Turks Fight for a long time, fertilize the sham and receive its fruits and grains . And if it was on the tenth, it indicates the lack of rain in that year in Morocco, and God Almighty knows best, and His absence is wiser ….

…It is in a dream disobedience and injustice . And whoever sees that he was slaughtered, let him seek refuge in God Almighty . And whoever sees a people slain, this is a good evidence of the perfection of the things of the seer . And whoever sees in his sleep that he slaughtered another person, or that another person is slaughtering him, this indicates that things are perfect as well . And whoever sees someone being slaughtered by a slaughterer, then the slaughtered will receive good from the slaughterer, and if he is imprisoned he will receive absolutely, and if he is afraid he will obtain our security, and if he is possessed, he will be freed, or a prisoner is redeemed, or a prince, then he will be added in his state . And whoever sees that he slaughters a person, then he oppresses him, as well as everything that is not permissible to slaughter him, for the one who does wrong is the object of it . And whoever slaughters some of his mahrams, he neglects his destiny and interrupts it, and if a slave is slaughtered in a dream, then he shall be freed . And whoever was distressed and saw that he had been slaughtered, his anxiety will be released . Slaughtering is marriage, so whoever slaughters evidence of women such as pigeons and ewes will marry . And whoever slaughters something from his back, he will bring it in the back passage . And whoever sees a slaughtered person who does not know who slaughtered him is a man who invented a heresy, or made false testimony on his neck . As for the one who slaughtered his father and mother, he should prevent him . If he saw . He slaughtered a young boy who roasted, and the barbecue was not cooked, because the injustice in that is to his father and mother . And if a person sees that a sultan slaughters a man and puts him on the neck of the person who dreams, then the sultan oppresses a person, and asks him for what he is unable to do, and this bearer demands that claim . And if the head of the slaughtered person is with him, then he shall be taken with it and not be fined, and the fine is on the one who committed it, but it gives him an illusory burden . And whoever sees that a man has been slaughtered or a people slaughtered, they are delusional and have whims and innovations . Whoever sees that he slaughters himself, then his wife from it is forbidden . If the blood of slaughter comes out, then it is injustice and disobedience, and if no blood comes out then it is a relationship and a dignity ….

…If you dream that you failed to receive a dowel, then this symbolizes extreme poverty and a cold world on which you depend for your livelihood . If you receive a receipt, your hopes will be fulfilled on the desired day . The opposite can be expected if a previous act in the awakened mind was the cause of this dream ….

…Seeing or hearing the sound of a violin in a dream also indicates harmony, family contentment, and success on the financial and commercial level . If a girl plays the violin in a dream, this indicates that she will receive appreciation from others and receive valuable gifts . If a girl tries to play the violin and does not succeed in that, this foretells that she will lose the sympathy and approval of others and aspire to achieve impossible things . Seeing a broken violin in a dream portends sorrows and separation . If you dreamed of a violin, then this foretells harmony in the home and many happy occasions outside ….

…Of the angels, peace be upon them . Whoever sees in a dream that he talks to a king or gives him something, then this is a testimony that he will provide, God Almighty willing . And whoever saw that the angels descended in a place, if his people were in war, they would win, and if they were in anguish, then they would be relieved . Perhaps the descent of angels indicated an epidemic or plague, or on princes, pimps, or workers . And whoever sees that he flies with the angels, he will receive martyrdom, and he will win the pleasure and honor of God Almighty . And whoever sees the angels in a place, while he is afraid of them, there will be war, strife, strife and enmity . And if he sees that the angels prostrate to him or kneel down, his needs are fulfilled, and the provision of righteousness and good remembrance . And if he sees them in the image of women, he is lying to God Almighty . And if he sees that the angels preach to a boy, a good, pious, scholar will be born for him . If he sees a group of angels in a town, then a scholar or ascetic will die there, and an oppressed man will be killed . And whoever sees that he has become king, he will receive honor and pride . And whoever sees that he is fighting a king, he will be removed from his place, pride and rank, and he will be distressed . And if he saw the angels enter his house, a thief entered him . If he sees that an angel took his weapon from him, then it is evidence that his money, power and benefit have gone, and perhaps he left his wife . If the king sees a boy, he indicates the future, and if he sees him as a young man, he indicates the present, and if an old man sees him, he indicates the past . And whoever sees that he has become a king, he will become a priest, or a fortune teller, or a gimmick, and if he is sick indicates his death . And whoever sees the angels asking for forgiveness for him, for peace in his religion and condition, and his wealth will increase . And if the angels go down in the cemeteries, the righteous are buried there . If he sees angels in the market, it is evidence of underestimation . Whoever saw that he was fighting a king would be humiliated and humiliated after the glory . And whoever sees that he has become in the image of a king, if he was in intensity he would gain relief, and if he was in manumission slavery, and if he was honorable, he would gain an increase and a presidency . And whoever saw the angels greeting him, God gave him insight in his life, and sealed him well . And if an unbeliever sees that the angels pray for him and ask forgiveness for him, he becomes Muslim . Perhaps the vision of the angels indicates the children and those with conditions . And the angels of torment if they enter the dead and are not afraid of them indicates security, especially if he is traveling, then he is safe from the bandits . And their vision indicates the king’s messenger, his deputy, or the ruler, and if he had a debt, his liability was discharged, and if he was sick he was cured . Perhaps their vision indicated the translators who are familiar with the languages ​​of the people, for they ask each one in his own language ….

…Following that king . And whoever sees the just authority entering a place, the mercy of God Almighty suppresses that place, and if the place is something that denies its entry into wakefulness, then it is a calamity . And whoever sees that he differs to the gates of kings, he will gain victory by giving . If he sees that he has entered into a king, he will receive honor and pleasure . And whoever saw that he contended with a king, he obtained a grace of an eye, pleasure and goodness, and seeing the dead kings indicated what they left after them . The king’s vision indicates victory over enemies and immorality . Seeing the unknown sultan denotes fire, sea, and sleep . If he saw that the king was in a poor quality, that was evidence of his poor management in the parish . Perhaps seeing the king indicated the coin of dirhams or dinars . And whoever sees in a dream a prince or sultana, perhaps he may oversee people’s symptoms . Whoever sees that he embraces the Sultan or shakes hands with him, he will settle his condition with him . And whoever sees that he is quarreling with a sultana then he argues with the Qur’an, because the authority is in the language of argument . And if the patient sees that an unknown sultan was sent in his request, that is the messengers of the Angel of Death, and God is the Sultan . And whoever saw that the Sultan took his hoods, he would take his money . And whoever sees that the Sultan is in distress, then he is upset . And whoever sees that the Sultan is crazy, then he is concerned . And whoever thinks that the Sultan has withdrawn from his council, that is the diminution or demise of his authority . And whoever saw that the sultan’s pulpit was broken with it, or that he did not complete his prayer, or that his sword was taken from him, or his house was destroyed, or a bull gored him, or that he was trampled by an animal, all of that removed him from his authority . The black garments of the Sultan increased strength, the whites increased the splendor and the release of sin, the cotton garments the appearance of piety and modesty, and the clothes of wool were abundant blessing . If the spy sees that he has become a ruler, then his condition becomes apparent, and if the woman sees that she is a ruler, then she becomes revealed, and if she is sick, then she dies . If he sees the Sultan’s blindness, I will blind him to the news of his people . That king . And whoever sees the just authority entering a place, the mercy of God Almighty suppresses that place, and if the place is something that denies its entry into wakefulness, then it is a calamity . Whoever sees that he differs from the gates of kings, he will gain victory by giving . If he sees that he has entered into a king, he will receive honor and pleasure . And whoever saw that he contended with a king, he obtained a grace of an eye, pleasure and goodness, and seeing the dead kings indicated what they left after them . The king’s vision indicates victory over enemies and immorality . Seeing the unknown sultan denotes fire, sea, and sleep . If he saw that the king was in a poor quality, that was evidence of his poor management in the parish . Perhaps seeing the king indicated the coin of dirhams or dinars . And whoever sees in a dream a prince or sultana, perhaps he may oversee people’s symptoms . And whoever sees that he embraces the Sultan or shakes hands with him, he will settle his condition with him . And whoever sees that he is quarreling with a sultana then he argues with the Qur’an, because the authority is in the language of argument . And if the patient sees that an unknown sultan was sent in his request, that is the messengers of the Angel of Death, and God is the Sultan . And whoever saw that the Sultan took his hoods, he would take his money . And whoever sees that the Sultan is in distress, then he is upset . And whoever sees that the Sultan is crazy, then he is concerned . And whoever thinks that the Sultan has withdrawn from his council, that is the diminution or demise of his authority . And whoever saw that the sultan’s pulpit was broken by it, or that he did not complete his prayer, or that his sword was taken from him, or his house was destroyed, or that a bull gored him, or that he was trampled upon by an animal, all of that removed him from his authority . And the black garments of the Sultan increased strength, the whites increased the splendor and the release of sin, the cotton garments the appearance of piety and modesty, and the clothes of wool were abundant blessing . And if a spy sees that he has become a ruler, then his condition becomes apparent, and if a woman sees that she is a ruler, then she becomes revealed, and if she is sick, then she dies . If he sees the Sultan’s blindness, I will blind him to the news of his people ….

…It is in a dream denotes a vow, and a vow indicates fasting . And whoever sees a fasting person breaks his fast, then he gets sick, or he is backbiting a Muslim, and if he does not fast by forgetfulness, he will have a good livelihood, and whoever sees that he fasts will receive honor and repentance, or atone for an oath or Hajj, or if he sees that he is fasting in the month of Ramadan and was illiterate, memorized the Qur’an. God Almighty is concerned about him, and if he was sick, God Almighty would heal him, and if he was in a delusion, he would be guided, and if he was in debt, he spent his debt . And whoever sees that he deliberately breaks the fast in the month of Ramadan, then he willfully kills a man and misses one of the laws of Islam . And whoever sees that it breaks the fast in the month of Ramadan, he may travel in obedience to God Almighty . Fasting may indicate the death of the patient, joy and pleasure, or devotion to God Almighty . If the fasting person in a dream is sick, it indicates his recovery, and if he breaks the fast, it is evidence of the occurrence of forbidden things . Fasting Ramadan in a dream is evidence of security from fear, or of paying off the debt and repenting people . Fasting the six days of Shawwal is evidence of patching up prayer, paying zakat, or regretting what he missed . Fasting Mondays and Thursdays is evidence of the bond of kinship and courtship with them . Fasting the white days in a dream is an indication of the division of religion or the teaching of the Qur’an . Fasting the tenth of Muharram in a dream is evidence of asceticism, piety and pilgrimage . Fasting on the day of Arafah is evidence of accepting alms . Fasting the ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah in a dream indicates that he will bless the end of his life with a good conclusion, or the fulfillment of a promised promise . Fasting the day of Ashura in a dream is evidence of doing good deeds and witnesses of temptation and safety from them, on the witnesses of the seasons and feasts, and if his wife is pregnant, she comes to a good child and has permissible wealth . Fasting the month of Rajab in a dream is evidence of high-ranking zoe service . Fasting Shaban in a dream indicates that the stirrups receive a request for profit in the store . Fasting on the day of doubt in a dream is evidence of committing sins and sins . Fasting the judiciary in a dream is evidence of releasing the captive, the repentance of the sinner, and the payment of debts . Fasting a vow in a dream is evidence of fulfilling needs, joy and happiness . Fasting forever in a dream indicates that it has enacted a difficult Sunnah, and it may have been a lot of silence . And if he fasts one day and breaks one day in a dream, perhaps a combination of a slave woman and a free woman, or a dhimmi and a Muslim woman . Doing what spoils the fast in a dream indicates breaking the covenant, favoring the love of the world over the Hereafter, and falling into what necessitates penance from an oath and others . And breaking the fast after fasting is evidence of the patient’s recovery . Whoever saw that he was fasting forever and was among the people of righteousness and goodness indicated that he should avoid sins . Whoever sees that he makes up for Ramadan will get sick, and whoever fasts voluntarily will not get sick that year . And whoever saw that he fasted for anyone other than God, but for hypocrisy and reputation, he will not find what he is asking for ….

…Al-Khattab ( Omar, may God be pleased with him ) Whoever sees him in a dream will be long-lived, praiseworthy, and utter the truth . And whoever sees Omar, may God be pleased with him, and shakes hands with him, he will receive a wide world, study and maintenance . And whoever saw him frowning in anger, he would ask for the judgment, enjoin the good and forbid the evil . And whoever sees it in a country where drought rains a lot, even if there is an injustice of justice in it . Whoever sees that Omar, may God be pleased with him, hit him with the pearl or threatens him with a punishment, let him return from what he is . And whoever saw that he was photographed in his image, he may die a martyr . If he sees him in an army, he will be pious and fearful, and he will be trustworthy . And whoever saw him with the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, would receive great good . His vision indicates that the truth in his time exists, and enjoining good and forbidding evil is common . Perhaps his vision indicated reconciliation after enmity and love after hatred, and asceticism in this world with the ability to it . If the seer was king, he conquered the country and established the religion as it should ….

…And whoever sees one of the volumes of expression or reads something from them, he will receive a hadith from a person of great destiny, and he will receive from that hadith gratitude, good and honor for his saying, The Almighty, ~And you taught me from the interpretation of hadiths .~…

…Invitation If you dream that you invite people to visit you, then this means that a sad event is about to cause anxiety and agitation in your surroundings instead of joy . If you receive an invitation to visit you will receive sad news . If a woman dreams that she is invited to a party, she will have happy posts, and bad luck will not nullify her ….

…The inscription : Originally, it indicates joy and honor if the garment is not stained with it. If the garment is stained with it, it indicates a disease and that the one who stained it with it falls into it and throws it with a defect, and his innocence of that defect appears to people . And he may stain his robe in wakefulness as he saw it . The supply is extended and elevated, and the book is strength . Whoever sees in his hand a book that attains power, because God Almighty says : “ O Yahya, take the book with strength .” The book : A well-known news if it was published, and if it was sealed, it is a hidden news . And if it is in the hand of a boy, then it is good news, and if it is in the hand of a servant, then it is news of good news and joy, and if it is in the hand of a woman then he is expecting something in joy . If it is published and the woman is veiled, then it is a hidden news that he orders him to do . If she is good-looking and beautiful, then it is news and a command in which there is good praise, and if the woman is a savage, then it is news about a beast . And whoever sees folded books in his hand, he will die soon, because God Almighty says : “ On the day we fold the heavens like we fold the books for books .” If he sees that he has taken a leaflet from the imam, then he will obtain authority, bliss and grace if it is possible, otherwise he will be afraid of slavery . If he saw that he carried a sealed book to a person, he should refer it to him . If he was a sultan and an army came to him, then they were defeated . Although he was a trader, he lost his trade . If he was engaged, he did not get married . If he sees his book with his right hand, it is better . If there is a quarrel, doubt, or confusion between him and a person, then the statement will come to him . And if he is in torment that will bring relief, because God Almighty says : “ We sent down to you the Book, to clarify everything and is guided .” If he is insolvent, distressed, or absent, then it is easy for him and he returns to his family gladly . Taking the book with the right is all good, and if he gives his book with his left hand, he will regret doing what he did . And whoever takes a book from a person with his right hand, he will receive the most honorable thing for it . For God Almighty says : ~To take us from him with the right hand .~ And if an unbeliever sees in his hand a Qur’an or an Arabic book, then he is let down or falls into distress, distress or distress . Whoever looks in a newspaper and does not read what is in it is an inheritance he will receive . And it was said that he who saw as if he had torn a book, his anguish and sedition were removed from him, and he obtained good . Likewise, if the believer sees with his hand a Persian book, he will be humiliated and distressed . And whoever saw that he had a sealed book, he would submit to a king, and his investigation would seal it . Because Belqis turned to Solomon, peace be upon him, when he delivered a sealed book to her, and one of the reasons for the book was her entry into Islam . And whoever saw that he had given him a newspaper and found a piece that was wrapped in it, it is running with a rope . Ibn Sirin said : Whoever sees that he is writing a book, he is gaining a forbidden gain because God Almighty says : “ Woe to them from what their hands are written, and woe to them from what they gain .” The inscription : On the hand of a man is a trick that tracks humiliation, and women have a trick to acquire . And whoever sees that a verse from the Qur’an is written on his shirt, then he is a man who clings to the Qur’an . Writing with the left hand is ugly and delusional, and children may be born to him from fornication, or he may become a poet ….

…The ear is the man’s wife or his daughter, and if he sees as though he has three ears, then she indicates that he has a woman and two daughters, and if he has four ears, then his visions indicate one of two traits, either he has four wives, or four daughters who have no mother . If he sees that his ear has broken from him, then he divorces his wife or his daughter dies . If he sees as if he has one ear, then no relative lives for him. If he sees as if he has half an ear, the vision indicates the death of his wife and his marriage to another . If he sees that he has a ring in his ear, he will marry his daughter to a man, and she will give birth to him a son . Religion was said to be the ear, and if he saw as if he stuffed his ears with something, his visions indicated disbelief . And if he sees it as if he has many ears, then he turns away from the truth and does not accept it, because God Almighty says : ~ Do they have ears by which they can hear? ~ And it was said that if the rich person sees homogeneous good ears, he hears good, pleasant news, and if they are not well formed, he hears many bad news . And whoever sees as if there are two eyes in his ears, he is blind, and he sees the things that he used to see with his eyes and hear them with his ears . And it was said that whoever saw it as if there were many ears, that is praiseworthy for those who wanted to have a person who would obey him, such as women, children and the Mamluks . As for the rich, it indicates good news that they receive if the call to prayer is a kind . If you are not good or well-mannered, then it is blameworthy news . As for the Mamelukes and the owners of the adversaries, who are accused of them, they indicate that his servitude continues, and he hears and obeys . The prosecutor indicates that the judgment binds him . And it was narrated that a person saw that he had twelve ears and more, then he recounted his vision on a crossing and said : If he is a man of Mamluk and Hashem, then it is a good evidence of much good that he attains, and if he is rich, then he will receive news according to the number of ears from countries, because of a pension, and if he is owned, He was blamed and distressed, and if he had opponents, the judge sentenced him to many judgments, and he heard bad words, and if he was in a dispute, he won his opponents ….

…Rheumatism If you dreamed that a rheumatic disease has hurt you, this predicts an unexpected delay in the completion of your projects . If you see others afflicted with rheumatism, then this means news that carries sadness and worry ….

…If the orchard’s fence moved in a dream to the interior of the garden, this indicates corruption of religion, loss of the world, nullification of repentance, submission of the ignorant, delay of scholars, apostasy from religion, or the rise of the public and the descent of the private . The fence indicates religion, and the rest of the trees are the functions of religion . Perhaps the fence indicated the king’s fortress . The orchard may indicate its owner, and the fence may be his family and relatives . And if the orchard indicates the world, the fence is his family and relatives . Perhaps the fence indicates the religion of its owner and his work, and what protects him from the torment of this world and the Hereafter ….

…Bridge If you see a long bridge that is dilapidated and tends to mysteriously black, depression will prevail due to the loss of your most valuable possessions, and sad conditions will descend upon you . For young people and lovers, the most cherished safety in their hearts will wish for disappointment, as if the beloved was below the level of your dreams . If you crossed the bridge safely, this means a final victory over the difficulties, even though the methods hardly appear to be safe when used . Any delay or obstacle means that calamity will resolve . If you see a bridge collapsing in front of you, be aware of fraudulent and fake fans . If the water is clear, then this means wealth . You will suffer the sad consequences of your best efforts if you look at or come into contact with muddy or cloudy water in your dreams ….

…Marquees are in many ways . Whoever sees that a pavilion struck, then he befalls a ruler . And if Sultan sees that, then it is good for him, who is his possession . And whoever sees that his pavilion has been folded up, his authority or his life shall be exhausted . And whoever sees that his pavilion has been published to strike him, then he shall be interpreted as having authority over him, as a delay . Abu Saeed said the marquee preaching in the interpretation is Sultan, and if he saw a man as if a marquee had been struck over him, he would win an opponent with authority ….

…The virtue of Imam Yaqoub bin Sufyan 96 – Yaqoub bin Sufyan bin Jawan Al-Faswi (2) Al- Hadith Al-Hafiz, who was among those who compiled and classified with piety, asceticism and rigidity in adhering to the Sunnah, and Al-Hakim said : (( As for his hearing and his wife and members of his speech, it is too much to mention )) and Abu said Abd al-Rahman al -Nahawadi : I heard Yaqoub bin Sufyaniol : (( I wrote about a thousand sheikhs, and all of them broke trust )). And Yaqoub also said: (( I went on the journey for thirty years )) and Abu Zar’ah al-Dimashqi said : (( Two men of noble people came to us, one of them and they were deported by Yaqoub bin Sufyan, the people of Iraq could not see the like )) He died in the year seventy-seven and two hundred . Abdan bin Muhammad Al-Marwazi said : (( I saw Yaqoub bin Sufyan in sleep, and I said : What did God Almighty do to you? He said : He forgave me and ordered me to come to heaven as I was on earth )). And from God’s care about this Imam in his request for a hadith, which he told about himself, we used it as a lesson to students of knowledge. * Muhammad bin Yazid al-Attar said : I heard Yaqoub bin Sufyan say : (( I was on my journey and I spent my life, so I got addicted to writing at night, and I read during the day. Sitting, I copy in the lamp, and it was winter, and the water descended in my eyes, and I did not see anything, and I cried for myself because I was cut off from my country and what I had missed from knowledge, so my eyes overcame me, so I slept and saw the Prophet – may God bless him and grant him peace – , in sleep, I called : ( Oh Jacob, why did you cry? ? )) I said : O Messenger of God went Bosra Vthsart on what I missed . He said to me : (( Aden Mona )) Phinot him and ordered his hand on my eyes like reading Alihaa, and then I woke up Vobesrt, I took cursive and sat writing (1). Needless to education and virtues 97 – I know , O man , a Muslim to engage in Balnavlh of the best science from engaging Balnavlh of worship and that the imams of the four four said Shafie : asked the best science of prayer Fasts . Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal – God ‘s mercy and blessed us with his knowledge – what I prayed today is not obligatory, accounted for Bmmakrh Abi Zar’ah Ali Nawafly . It came in ((The Order of Perception )) by Judge Ayyad, 3: 234-235 , 240 , 261 in the translation of Imam Al- Muhadith , Al-Faqih Al-Abed Al-Zahid ( Abdullah Wahb Al-Qurashi of Egypt ), the companion of the Imam Malik Al-Layth, Al-Thawri and others, who died in the year 197 AH, may God Almighty have mercy on him, in which it was stated that Sahnoun said : (( Ibn Wahb had divided his life into three A third is in Rabat, a third is aware of Egypt, and a third is on the Hajj, and he mentioned that it is a thirty-six Hajj. His nephew said : I was with him in Alexandria, and the people gathered on him and asked him to spread knowledge, so he said to me : This is a country of worship, and his mother rarely gave myself in it with the work of the people, so he left Sitting for them at the times when he was sitting, and accept worship and guarding . After two days, a person came to him and told him that he had seen himself in a great mosque towards the Grand Mosque, and the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – in it and Abu Bakr on his right, and Amr on his left, and you were between his hands, and in the mosque lamps were blossoming in the best and brightest of them. Then it was turned off, then the Messenger of God – may God bless him and grant him peace – said to you , O Abdullah, burn it and light it, then delay it, then I stayed for days and I saw all the lamps were going to be extinguished, so Abu Bakr said : O Messenger of God, do you see these lamps? He said – may God bless him and grant him peace – This is Abdullah’s work, he wants to extinguish it ! Ibn Wahb cried, and the man said to him : I have come to bring you good tidings, and if I knew that he was clouding you, I would not have come . He said : It is good, this is a vision in which I preached, I thought that worship was better than spreading knowledge, so he left a lot of ( time ) and his work for knowledge, and he confined himself to them reading him and asking him * Ibn Wahb said : I was in the hands of the king I wrote, then the prayer was established – and in another term the muezzin gave permission – There were published books in his hands, and I took the initiative to collect them, so the owner said to me : To your messengers, what you do is not better than what you are in ….

…And whoever sees that he is riding a mare while he is running until he sweat and sweats, then he is interpreted by committing himself, and whoever sees a mare from afar, it shall be interpreted with a delay ….

…Connecting the womb : It may indicate problems with relatives, and there are problems that prevent those who connect them . It may also indicate a delay in pregnancy for women ….

…Wedding If you attended a wedding in your dream, you will quickly discover that an event approaching you will cause you bitterness and delay your success . If a girl dreams that her wedding is a secret, then this dream is definitely not appropriate for her personality as it means that she may fall . If she entered into a worldly marriage or an official marriage, this indicates that she will rise in the appreciation of those around her, and the desired promises and joys will not be denied to her . If she believes in her dreams that there is opposition from her family, she will discover that her association will cause resentment among her relatives . If she dreams that her lover has married to another, then this foretells that unjustified fears will cause her constriction while her lover will faithfully fulfill his promises . If a person dreams that he is married, then this is a sad omen, as he cannot avoid death except by a miracle . If the wedding was merry and there were no priests with pale faces and black sackcloth to impose holy vows, then the opposite can be expected . If a girl dreamed that she saw a person wearing mourning clothes at her wedding, then this indicates that she will experience misery only in her marital life . If she sees this at another girl’s wedding, she will mourn the misfortune of a relative or friend . And you can suffer misery and illness in a place where happiness and health are marked . Intrusions and disturbing surprises may disrupt the pleasure trips that others make or take, and to a large extent after this dream ….

…Mud If you dreamed of mud, then this means isolation at work and possible bankruptcy . If you dig in a muddy bank, this foretells that you will submit to the unusual demands of enemies . If you dig in a bank of ashes and find mud, ominous surprises will delay advanced work or a new project . It is possible that the direction of your efforts will worsen after this dream . Women will find this dream unfavorable in love and they will be confused by social situations, work conditions, and poor representation . If you dreamed that you went into mud, then this means that there is a reason to lose your confidence in friendship and the possibility of losses and problems at the family level . If you see others wading in the mud, this predicts that you will hear disgraceful rumors about some friends or workers with you . For the farmer, this dream means a bad harvest and seasonal losses . If you dream that your clothes are contaminated with mud, this means that your reputation is shaken, and if you shed the mud from your clothes in the dream, this means that you will be able to escape from the machinations of the enemies ….

…Whoever thinks that he wears red khuffa, if he intends to travel, then he must delay a short period because that is not the traveler’s favor ….

…As for the twenty, it is an increase in strength and victory over the enemies, and Murad’s obtaining of the Almighty’s saying, ~ If among you twenty are patient, they will overcome two hundred .~ As for the thirty, it indicates that if he had a quarrel with someone, he would quickly separate and win over his enemy, because God Almighty said: “And his pregnancy and his separation are thirty months .” As for the fortieth, it is the interpretation of a matter and confusion and wandering, because God Almighty says: ~ They are forbidden for forty years .~ As for the fifty, it is not Mahmoud, and it was said that the life of the visionary is complete . As for the sixty, it is not Mahmud, because expiation is required for the Almighty saying ~ or feeding sixty poor persons ~ and it was said that a journey is due to the Almighty saying ~It has become a month and its soul is a month .~ As for the seventy, there is a need to delay and arise fear on the part of the Sultan . And if the number is an excuse, then it is not praiseworthy because the Almighty said, “ Then there is seventy cubits in the chain of arms. ” It was said to seek forgiveness and flatter the one who has no good, and God will forgive him for saying, “ If you seek forgiveness for them seventy times, God will not forgive them .” The accusation eightieth afraid Bzna him of his skin to the verse ~ Vagelteke eighty lashes ~ and said to a meeting and a pool . As for the ninety, it indicates that an elder woman betrothes him and he gets benefit from them, and if he is from the people of the state, this will happen to him because God Almighty said: ~ Ninety-nine ewes ~ and it was said that it is distress and hardship ….